Ever Unfolding Wisdom
It has taken me 50+ years to own. I am an Artist!
I grew up as a creative; revamping wardrobes, spaces and any art project I got my hands on. My college goal was a Theatre major. I would like to tell you I nailed it, but I didn’t. I caved to external voices and was educated as a lawyer. Spending the past 25 years in varied careers, from a Los Angeles music business to sales in a Fortune 500 company where I also acquired my corporate coaching certificate. I worked in Christian ministry for several years while undergoing 5 grueling years of infertility and landed cancer in my early 40's. This opened the door into a study of energy medicine along with meditation and breath work. Silence and stillness became welcomed companions to the devastating medical opinions and conflicting diet and supplementation advice from the "other side." Desparation invited me willingly into the unfamiliar where the entire canvas of my life was reworked.
For the past 20 years it has been a slow delicate walk back to Me. Unlearning the countless ways I contorted myself to fit the world. Weaving in and out of healing modalities, waking up out of extremes and learning to love and embody healing so deeply, I glimpsed what I am truly made of, what we all are made of!
I want for you to experience yourself as a miracle weaver, vessel of hope and inspiration to everyone around you. Navigating from an inner place of trust, in full resonance to the Kingdom within
You are a miraculous work of Art and
the Light of the world!

Guuiding you in the exploration of healing and expansion of awareness
Artfully seeing what may be in the way of the full expression of hope & healing