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Life always knows what it is doing far beyond what the mental mind will allow us to believe

Are you willing for LIFE to be bigger than you?

We just don't trust Life has us, so we step in to take control.


Connecting to our essential self, give us the courage to take our hands off the wheel.

Seeing what is universally True for all humanity; the foundation upon which all of life rests. 


The 3 Principles are a description of the Forces that are creating our entire experience of life, moment to moment.


  • Universal MIND -Source and intelligence behind all of life

  • CONSCIOUSNESS-Pure Awareness (home, essence, soul)

  • THOUGHT-The ability to think (not what we think which is personal, but THAT we think which is impersonal. we all use the gift of thought to create realities. The power that creates everything you feel.















Running Up
Stripe and Spheres

A Universal and Personal look at Wisdom



lies within the depth of your own Consciousness. It is not learned

It is impersonal, unchangeable; the path to spiritual understanding and psychological understanding



Running Up

Intellect and ego are functions of the personal mind. which is  part of form

Night Sky

Wisdom- impersonal intelligence

Common sense - the personal application of wisdom

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